Héél lang geleden, toen Wolhemel net begonnen was, en ik net op gang was met kantbreien, mocht ik voor hun een sjaal in opdracht breien. The Myrtle Leaf uit Victorian Lace Today.
Prachtig project en met heel veel plezier gemaakt.
Zo veel plezier zelfs, dat het al die tijd in m'n hoofd zat dat ik dié nog een keer wilde breien. In het zwart, net als in het boek.

Two years came and went and I didn't knit the shawl again. Until September this year. I was knitting a black cashmere shawl for my aunt and it wasn't what I thought it would be. That's when I split the cone and started on the Myrtle Leaf. Finally.

And then I got fed up with it... The urge had gone a bit and after only 20 of the 40 repeats done, I wanted to knit something else. So I did. I was, at that time, also very busy with pictures of Shetland Shawls of the museum of the isles (more on that later).. I found this true lace diamond pattern and thought it would fit perfectly. I didn't even have to alter the stitchcount. Then I had to find a new edging too and it all came together...
A beautiful black cashmere shawl for my aunt.
Daarna werd er nog een Most Popular overall Contest gehouden en daarbij werd ik ... 1e!!! Iedereen bedankt voor je stem!
I wrote down the pattern (pdf file available on Ravelry) and because I had used ColourMart yarn and started on September 15, I could compete in the ColourMart Fall Contest 2010 and I won second prize in Design! Later there was also a Most Popular Overall and I won... first prize!! Everyone thank you for voting!
So... I won móre cashmere. Ofcourse I chose for more black. And already brainstorming over a new pattern.
This shawl is really Truely Something.
(I misspelled the name, because all the knitting is in true-lace...)
Design: MoniqueB
Yarn: ColourMart Cashmere 2/36 NM ~770m / 840 y Black
Needle: 3 mm / 2,5 US
Started: September 15 2010
Completed: November 3 2010
Pattern available in English and Nederlands. ($ 5,00 or E 4,00)