Een klein lichtje voor de Kerst. Met een beetje kant... En een beetje pluis! (mohair)
A little light for Christmas. With a little lace and fur.. (mohair)
Of / Or Cashmere...
F-Light is een eenvoudig patroontje, je breit het plat en naait het dan om het glaasje heen (voorbeeld instructies met foto's).
F-Light is a simple pattern, you work it flat and seam it together to fit the glass. (tutorial with pictures).
Pattern: (FREE!) F-Light
Design: MoniqueB.
Yarn: 1/13NM Cashmere (Red) or 1/16NM Mohair/Merino by ColourMart
Left overs approx 30m or 40y.
Needle: 3mm or US 2,5
Available in Dutch & English.
Het patroon heeft Charts en geschreven rijen. En foto's hoe je het lapje in elkaar zet zodat het om het (cola/klein bier) glas past.
ALLEEN VOOR NL: je kunt een pakketje bestellen (zonder glas!) voor E 2,50 met 1 kleur en E 3,25 voor 2 kleuren (of 2x dezelfde) en E 4,00 voor 3 (ook in grijs). (inclusief verzendkosten).
Stuur een berichtje. (er zijn 40 pakketjes beschikbaar, helaas OP=OP!)
The pattern is written & charted and a tutorial how to seam this and put it on the glass. A 4" tall soda glass was used. A little tealight
(Only for The Netherlands; a package is available with yarn to make this
Veel plezier!
14 december 2015
26 november 2015
Throwback Thursday!
Habu 2/48NM 100% Merino (2400m/100gr)
Any time you are working with very fine yarn, sometimes on a cone, I recommend that you pull gently on the yarn for the length you will need to knit one row.
This way, tension will remain throughout knitting all stitches.
When you only pull short ends, you might pull too hard and the yarn can snap.
If you have a yarn 'lazy Kate', you can put the cone on it, and pull out a length of yarn you think you need for 1 row. The yarn can curl back on itself, or even create knots, especially when it's a 1ply. That can be fixed with a pin and gently pull on the loop to unwind the knot.
Williesman yarn / thread holder (Etsy)
Tip 1:
Wanneer je met heel dun garen breit, soms vanaf een cone, haal dan zo'n lengte van het garen er af dat je in 1x je rij kunt uit breien. Op die manier blijft de spanning op de draad gelijk.
Wanneer je telkens korte rukjes geeft aan het garen tijdens het breien, kan het garen ongewild knappen. Vooral wanneer het een 1ply is. Heb je misschien een 'lazy Kate' dan kun je daar je cone opzetten en zachtjes aantrekken.
Het wil nog wel eens gebeuren bij een 1ply, dat het draad gaat krullen en/of in de knoop raakt. Met een speldje kun je voorzichtig het knoopje ontrafelen.
Jamieson & Smith 1ply Gossamer in Natural white 1/16NM (1600m/100gr)
Tequila Sunrise (Sheherazade 2/36NM) 1800m/100gr
Tip 2:
Probeer ALTIJD de naald helemaal uit te breien. Niet halverwege ophouden en wegleggen. Kijk op de klok hoe lang je over een rij doet, zodat je niet onnodig hoeft te stoppen. Zo voorkom je draadbreuk en dat lussen te groot worden. Kant garen is erg breekbaar wanneer het nog niet gebreid is. De spanning van je draad blijft zo over de hele naald hetzelfde en het werk wordt egaler.
A yarn bowl can come in handy too; this way, the ball of yarn doesn't hop around the ground or couch.
Een garen kom kan ook erg handig zijn. Op die manier danst je bolletje garen niet over de grond of bank!
Happy Knitting!
Lekker breien!
1 oktober 2015
Mystery Knit a long!
R/each-ing out to anyone that is knitting lace and wants something else.
A Semi Circular shawl with several techniques to entertain the intermediate skilled lace knitter.
Dye for Wool Baby Camel//Merino 480m/100gr
The shawl will weigh 122 gr = ~590m
R/each-ing out to anyone that is knitting lace and wants something else.
A Semi Circular shawl with several techniques to entertain the intermediate skilled lace knitter.
Dye for Wool Baby Camel//Merino 480m/100gr
The shawl will weigh 122 gr = ~590m
The use of 2 colours is highly recommended, as is the fuller yarn.
I’ve chosen a 1 ply yarn, to make some pattern parts come out better.
I’ve chosen a 1 ply yarn, to make some pattern parts come out better.
The main (LIGHT) colour is light and will be used for 81% of the skein.
The contrasting (DARK) colour is darker and will be used for 40% of the skein.
The contrasting (DARK) colour is darker and will be used for 40% of the skein.
Instructions will be charted and with written out rows.
Needles: 3,5mm or US4
Needles: 3,5mm or US4
In this design:
Shetland lace pattern
Estonian lace pattern with nupps
Slipped stitches
working with 2 colours
Estonian lace pattern with nupps
Slipped stitches
working with 2 colours
Clues release:
First clue: Nov 1
Second Clue: Nov 10
Third Clue: Nov 20
Forth Clue: Nov 27
First clue: Nov 1
Second Clue: Nov 10
Third Clue: Nov 20
Forth Clue: Nov 27
The pattern is E 3,50 and after the knit-a-long Dec 1 E 5,-
This would make an excellent gift for Christmas! A warm Wrap for the Winter.
Een shawl in een halve cirkel vorm met verscheidene technieken om de gemiddelde kantbreister leuk bezig te houden.
Het gebruik van 2 kleuren wordt aangeraden om onderdelen van het patroon beter uit te laten komen.
Het Garen:
Dye for Wool Baby Camel//Merino 480m/100gr
De shawl weegt 122gr = ~590m
De hoofdkleur is licht en zal voor 80% gebruikt worden.
De bijkleur is donker en zal voor 40% gebruikt worden.
Het Garen:
Dye for Wool Baby Camel//Merino 480m/100gr
De shawl weegt 122gr = ~590m
De hoofdkleur is licht en zal voor 80% gebruikt worden.
De bijkleur is donker en zal voor 40% gebruikt worden.
Het patroon zal groot en deels gechart zijn,
Het bevat:
Shetland kant patroon
Estlands kant patroon met nupps
Slipped stitches en het werken met 2 kleuren tegelijk.
Shetland kant patroon
Estlands kant patroon met nupps
Slipped stitches en het werken met 2 kleuren tegelijk.
Het patroon komt vrij in 4 delen.
1e clue: 1 November
2e clue: 10 November
3e clue: 20 November
4e clue: 27 November.
2e clue: 10 November
3e clue: 20 November
4e clue: 27 November.
Het patroon kost eerst E 3,50 en na de Knit-a-long E 5,-
Mooi op tijd klaar vóór dat het Kerst wordt en het is een prachtige warme shawl voor de winter.
25 september 2015
In 2014 was ik voor de tweede keer op Shetland. (klik hier wanneer je het toch nog even terug wilt lezen). Ik wandelde toen op Muckle Roe. Mooi, groen, rood en lekker rustig.
Dit garen is van Fyberspates (100% Cashmere) maar helaas niet meer leverbaar. Ik vond de kleur zo mooi en het patroon leek erg op het landschap van Muckle Roe. Jammer genoeg had ik al wat gemaakt met het garen, dus ik moest ander garen zoeken bij dit ontwerp.
The yarn for this design was by Fyberspates (100% Cashmere) but unfortunately discontinued. I liked the colour very much as it resembled the landscape of Muckle Roe.
Also, I'd run out of yarn for a full shawl, I had played with the cashmere before... So I could use this for another yarn.
In juni gaf ik een workshop in Limburg bij Het Wolbeest. Het leek me leuk op speciaal voor de workshop een nieuw patroontje te ontwikkelen en Alexandra was van plan om speciaal garen te verven. Ik koos fris groen! En dat bleek prima te passen bij het patroontje wat ik al had.
In June I gave a workshop in Limburg at Het Wolbeest. I thought it would be fun to create a new design for the workshop to practise on and Alexandra was planning to dye some wool especially for the occassion. I chose a fresh green! And that was very suitable for the pattern I already had started on.
I've used 2 simple lace patterns, which flow into one and another very smoothly. The 'second' pattern has a bit of depth to it, with purled stitches in the front. This way, alternating the patterns keeps it interesting and you can even choose to use just one for an overall pattern.

Een eenvoudige rand die aan wordt gebreid en je hebt een mooie zachte fris groene shawl! (of een andere kleur die je leuk vind).
Adding a basic patterned edge and you can wear a very nice fresh green shawl! (or any other colour you choose!)
Dit patroon is verkrijgbaar als kit: Garen en patroon HIER.
This pattern is also available as a kit: Yarn and Pattern HERE.
Pattern: ROE
Design: A Passion For Lace... / for Atelier Het Wolbeest
Yarn: 100% Superwash Merino 1200m/100gr
Needle: 3,5mm or US4.
Size: 58cm x 178cm / 23” x 70” after blocking
Ravelry Link for pattern only. (NL & ENG)
Etsy link for pattern only. (NL & ENG'
Design: A Passion For Lace... / for Atelier Het Wolbeest
Yarn: 100% Superwash Merino 1200m/100gr
Needle: 3,5mm or US4.
Size: 58cm x 178cm / 23” x 70” after blocking
Ravelry Link for pattern only. (NL & ENG)
Etsy link for pattern only. (NL & ENG'
It is WoolWeek again, tomorrow. I will not be there, but by posting this and thinking about it, I wish everybody that is attending a lot of woolly fun!
3 september 2015
Het is niet de eerste keer dat ik een ontwerp mag maken voor Zeven Katten: Link
Altijd prachtige garens en kleuren en iedere keer weer een stimulans om aan wat nieuws te beginnen.
Nu had ik onlangs de Carajillo gemaakt in The Fibre Company "Road to China" lace.
Een werkelijk zeer luxueus garen in prachtige diepe tinten. Of ik daar een leuke shawl van kon maken voor ZevenKatten, omdat het net nieuw is in de collectie. Ik kreeg dit prachtige blauwe garen opgestuurd.
It is not the first time I was asked to design for ZevenKatten: LINK
She always has the most gorgeous yarns and colours. Always a pleasure to work with her and to create something new.
Recently I had worked on the Carajillo with The Fibre Company "Road to China" lace.
Question: can you design a shawl with this yarn and this colour? Of course I can...
Na een paar ideeën te hebben uitgewerkt, liet ik aan Niek een swatch zien. Ze vond het niet zo geschikt en had associaties met Space Invaders. Nix mis mee, maar niet voor dit geval. Maar het vormde wel een mooie basis voor het uiteindelijke ontwerp. De vorm stond al vast.
Kiss is een lange rechthoek, net als 9Levens. Een rondere vorm zou fijn zijn voor de collectie.
After a few ideas and swatching, I presented Niek with a general idea of how it could end up. She didn't agree and thought it looked a bit too much like Space Invader. Nothing wrong with that, but not for this design. It did form the base for the end result. The shape would be a crescent one, as previous designs were rectangle. A rounder shape would fit nicely in the collection.
Ik vond wel dat het ook tijd werd om wat 'nieuwe' technieken toe te passen. De meerderingen zijn zo standaard als het maar kan, om de ronde vorm te krijgen. Maar een iets andere manier om gaatjes te creeëren vond zijn plek in het begin van de rand. In dit blauwe garen zie je het misschien niet zo goed, maar met een lichter garen zie je het wat beter.
I thought it would be a good start to add some 'new' techniques. The shaping is as regular as they come with a crescent shape, but a different technique to make some holes into the 'fabric' would be refreshing. With a lighter yarn, you will see it better, but in this blue it still comes out well.
Met het gele draadje in de vorige foto's scheid je niet alleen de patroon delen maar ben je er ook zeker van dat alles tot daar toe goed zit. Zo'n lifeline helpt je, voor het geval dat het mis gaat. Je kunt het werk uithalen tot daar en met een dunnere naald de steken weer oppakken en verder gaan. Dat scheelt een hoop frustratie en ellende. Wanneer de shawl af is, haal je het draadje er gewoon uit.
With the yellow piece of yarn running through the stitches, you make sure your work is perfect. After each pattern repeat you pull a lifeline through life stitches on the needle. That way, if it all goes horribly wrong after that, you can frog the work gently and pick up all stitches with a finer gauge needle. And can continue working easy and quick. When the shawl is done, just pull out the yarn. Easy does it.
Het fijne is dat je maar 1 streng nodig hebt!
It's good to know you need only one skein of yarn!
Omdat de bedrijfsnaam ZevenKatten is, is het wel zo gepast om een kat gerelateerde naam te bedenken. De vormen in de rand lijken net op kattenogen en omdat het garen zo zacht is, dacht ik meteen aan "Kitten" (ook handig dat het in het engels hetzelfde is..)
En met averechte steken op de voorkant is het best een interessant patroon om te maken!
Because the company's name is ZevenKatten (SevenCats) the name should reflect at least something cat-like... The round shapes in the edge look a bit like cat eyes and because the yarn is so soft and cuddly, the word Kitten came to mind..
And with a bit of purling on the front, it is quite an interesting knit to work on.
There you have it!!!
Pattern: Kitten (ravelry link) Available as a PDF pattern and as a kit: Yarn and PDF
Design: / A Passion For Lace
Altijd prachtige garens en kleuren en iedere keer weer een stimulans om aan wat nieuws te beginnen.
Nu had ik onlangs de Carajillo gemaakt in The Fibre Company "Road to China" lace.
Een werkelijk zeer luxueus garen in prachtige diepe tinten. Of ik daar een leuke shawl van kon maken voor ZevenKatten, omdat het net nieuw is in de collectie. Ik kreeg dit prachtige blauwe garen opgestuurd.
It is not the first time I was asked to design for ZevenKatten: LINK
She always has the most gorgeous yarns and colours. Always a pleasure to work with her and to create something new.
Recently I had worked on the Carajillo with The Fibre Company "Road to China" lace.
Question: can you design a shawl with this yarn and this colour? Of course I can...
Na een paar ideeën te hebben uitgewerkt, liet ik aan Niek een swatch zien. Ze vond het niet zo geschikt en had associaties met Space Invaders. Nix mis mee, maar niet voor dit geval. Maar het vormde wel een mooie basis voor het uiteindelijke ontwerp. De vorm stond al vast.
Kiss is een lange rechthoek, net als 9Levens. Een rondere vorm zou fijn zijn voor de collectie.
After a few ideas and swatching, I presented Niek with a general idea of how it could end up. She didn't agree and thought it looked a bit too much like Space Invader. Nothing wrong with that, but not for this design. It did form the base for the end result. The shape would be a crescent one, as previous designs were rectangle. A rounder shape would fit nicely in the collection.
Ik vond wel dat het ook tijd werd om wat 'nieuwe' technieken toe te passen. De meerderingen zijn zo standaard als het maar kan, om de ronde vorm te krijgen. Maar een iets andere manier om gaatjes te creeëren vond zijn plek in het begin van de rand. In dit blauwe garen zie je het misschien niet zo goed, maar met een lichter garen zie je het wat beter.
I thought it would be a good start to add some 'new' techniques. The shaping is as regular as they come with a crescent shape, but a different technique to make some holes into the 'fabric' would be refreshing. With a lighter yarn, you will see it better, but in this blue it still comes out well.
Met het gele draadje in de vorige foto's scheid je niet alleen de patroon delen maar ben je er ook zeker van dat alles tot daar toe goed zit. Zo'n lifeline helpt je, voor het geval dat het mis gaat. Je kunt het werk uithalen tot daar en met een dunnere naald de steken weer oppakken en verder gaan. Dat scheelt een hoop frustratie en ellende. Wanneer de shawl af is, haal je het draadje er gewoon uit.
With the yellow piece of yarn running through the stitches, you make sure your work is perfect. After each pattern repeat you pull a lifeline through life stitches on the needle. That way, if it all goes horribly wrong after that, you can frog the work gently and pick up all stitches with a finer gauge needle. And can continue working easy and quick. When the shawl is done, just pull out the yarn. Easy does it.
Het fijne is dat je maar 1 streng nodig hebt!
It's good to know you need only one skein of yarn!
Omdat de bedrijfsnaam ZevenKatten is, is het wel zo gepast om een kat gerelateerde naam te bedenken. De vormen in de rand lijken net op kattenogen en omdat het garen zo zacht is, dacht ik meteen aan "Kitten" (ook handig dat het in het engels hetzelfde is..)
En met averechte steken op de voorkant is het best een interessant patroon om te maken!
Because the company's name is ZevenKatten (SevenCats) the name should reflect at least something cat-like... The round shapes in the edge look a bit like cat eyes and because the yarn is so soft and cuddly, the word Kitten came to mind..
And with a bit of purling on the front, it is quite an interesting knit to work on.
There you have it!!!
Pattern: Kitten (ravelry link) Available as a PDF pattern and as a kit: Yarn and PDF
Design: / A Passion For Lace
Yarn: The Fibre Company "Road to China" lace light. 65% Alpaca, 15% Silk, 10% Cashmere, 10% CamelYardage: 1 skein of 600 meters / 100 grams
Needles: 3,25mm or US3
Don't like blue??
Look what my much appreciated test knitter Monique Dreef did with Shilasdair yarn. (ColorWays) in shade: Berry.

Don't like blue??
Look what my much appreciated test knitter Monique Dreef did with Shilasdair yarn. (ColorWays) in shade: Berry.

30 juli 2015
April 16:
Someone in my friends list on Ravelry send me a message that there is a mention of a lace shawl in the Jamieson & Smith group. They are trying to find out which shawl it is and if it is possible to recreate it.
April 16:
I read the thread and am instantly interested. I wrote:
After some searching we could make out the centre pattern and did some 'cut & paste' to get something going.
In the meantime I tried to find out more about the show. "Outlander". Low and behold, it was on the tv in Belgium, Friday evening.
April 19:
Watching the show. I see a LOT of tweed. It's gorgeous. Sorry to say the story is quite 'slow'. I haven't read the book(s), but I do love the surroundings and scenes shot in Scotland.
First swatch is made:
April 21:
Together with Laura and DominiqueBe we look at swatches and compare them with the screen shot.
April 29:
Now what? Am I diving in head first and make an entire (new) shawl? Or do I help with developing?
Ordered some yarn, Mohair- merino and thought that if I started with the centre pattern, the rest would come later..
May 3:
Searching the Shetland Museum and Archives website, I find a shawl that has a similar centre pattern:
Because we couldn't find a good screenshot of the entire shawl, when the camera zooms out, the lace gets 'lost'... , this was all we had to go on.
Laura tried to get a better view of the shawl. The episode didn't air in Belgium, due to the summer break.
A friend, Belinda, helped out too with vidcaps. They tried to freeze the frame and save that image. But it was only enough to see a pointy edge.
May 6:
Made another swatch. It didn't go well in the end, but it looked better already.
I thought it was a bit tight. The birdseyes in the top were NOT like in the screenshot.
May 10:
The yarn came in and I started right away. Calculations were close enough to get things going.
You can see by the size of my hand, this wasn't "Delicate" lace at all. I put it aside and took some grey yarn with a finer gauge and started over.
I was a bit hesitant. Should I get involved in such a big project?
May 22:
I got as far as with the mohair.. This was much finer, but I wasn't happy with the colour... I thought that a Shetland shawl should be made in Shetland yarn.
June 10:
Belinda has a better screen shot. Now I can see the size of the shawl. She's wearing it double and it still is sheer.
Also June 19:
Tweeted Terry Dresbach (the costume designer for the Outlander Series) and asked about the shawl.
Oh my! It is happening!
June 24:
This is a whole other ball game!
I thanked Terry and told her this was all we needed.
All doubts melted away. This was an awesome chance to get some Serious Lace done. I'm in!
So... Swatching began AGAIN. Making whole new charts. Calculations.. This is big.
I even found a picture of some ladies posing with a similar shawl. The border is much wider, but the stars are the same. And you have a good indication of size too.
Conclusion 1: the shawl is an antique. That means it is handspun. That means that I will have to use very fine yarn. Gossamer at least to make the size similar. I can spin, but not as fine as the Shetland ladies back in the days.
Conclusion 2: Not everyone will make a shawl this size! I will have to make alterations in the pattern so one can choose to knit a rectangle shawl with the same patterns / parts. This way, it's available for more people.
June 25:
Ella Gordon from the Jamieson & Smith Woolbrokers informed us about the ladies in the picture being the "Sutherlands". And came up with a photo from later in life:

Later that day, Dominique send me some pictures from the Museum of a shawl with stars she saw on display. The coin dropped and I viewed back my archive and yes: I've seen the same shawl.
There are similar components, but spacing is different. But it never hurts to have a good close up.
July 6:
Charting is an ongoing process. Even when swatching I made minor adjustments.
But... it looked pretty close to the original.
First: the edge. A little tweek here and there.
The star. It needed just a bit more room. And the upside down flower needed some more work.
I had decided earlier that (especially) an antique shawl from Shetland, should be recreated with original Shetland yarn. The only option was: 1/16NM Gossamer (1ply) Natural Jamieson & Smith yarn.
I'm working with 2mm needles (US0). I mentioned before that the original is handspun, so this is as close as I can get.
Calculations give me for the squared version over 500.000 stitches. The rectangle will have approx. 210.000 stitches. I can't tell you how large it will be, but my prediction will be around 6+ feet square.
July 8:
Casted on with the gossamer 1ply and worked the first border. My dear test knitter Sue is working on the rectangle version. She's getting rid of all bugs and makes a perfect example for you to decide whether or not to knit the square or the rectangle.
The yarn came in on 2 cones. It's approx. 20 balls of yarn. That should be plenty.
I don't know when the pattern will be available. But somewhere later this year is the goal. Think November or December. It will be a paid pattern (not free). Credit will be given, where credit is due. (As I've done here, please notify me if I have forgotten something/someone)
And you will be able to find it under a new name: The Shetland Star Shawl.
The ORIGINAL shawl has been purchased by Terry and is not specifically designed for the Outlander series.
(copyright and other stuff...)
Ready for a cut and paste preview???
So... if you don't hear from me for a while: I'm busy...
Someone in my friends list on Ravelry send me a message that there is a mention of a lace shawl in the Jamieson & Smith group. They are trying to find out which shawl it is and if it is possible to recreate it.
April 16:
I read the thread and am instantly interested. I wrote:
I’ve seen a similar lace shawl in the movie A Royal Affair. Couldn’t make it out either. After watching the credits I tried to find pictures of the costume designers collection, but it wasn’t there.This was my first step into a very large and interesting project. I didn't know if any of my experience would be needed, but I stuck my nose in anyway.
After some searching we could make out the centre pattern and did some 'cut & paste' to get something going.
In the meantime I tried to find out more about the show. "Outlander". Low and behold, it was on the tv in Belgium, Friday evening.
April 19:
Watching the show. I see a LOT of tweed. It's gorgeous. Sorry to say the story is quite 'slow'. I haven't read the book(s), but I do love the surroundings and scenes shot in Scotland.
First swatch is made:
April 21:
Together with Laura and DominiqueBe we look at swatches and compare them with the screen shot.
Pretty close, right? Second swatch made:
April 29:
Now what? Am I diving in head first and make an entire (new) shawl? Or do I help with developing?
Ordered some yarn, Mohair- merino and thought that if I started with the centre pattern, the rest would come later..
May 3:
Searching the Shetland Museum and Archives website, I find a shawl that has a similar centre pattern:
Laura tried to get a better view of the shawl. The episode didn't air in Belgium, due to the summer break.
A friend, Belinda, helped out too with vidcaps. They tried to freeze the frame and save that image. But it was only enough to see a pointy edge.
May 6:
Made another swatch. It didn't go well in the end, but it looked better already.
I thought it was a bit tight. The birdseyes in the top were NOT like in the screenshot.
May 10:
The yarn came in and I started right away. Calculations were close enough to get things going.
You can see by the size of my hand, this wasn't "Delicate" lace at all. I put it aside and took some grey yarn with a finer gauge and started over.
I was a bit hesitant. Should I get involved in such a big project?
May 22:
I got as far as with the mohair.. This was much finer, but I wasn't happy with the colour... I thought that a Shetland shawl should be made in Shetland yarn.
June 10:
Belinda has a better screen shot. Now I can see the size of the shawl. She's wearing it double and it still is sheer.
KathyMary suggests (as others have in other threads) to make contact with the costume department.
I'm hesitant, someone else has tried it. And didn't hear back.
June 19:
Another vidcap by Belinda reveals after close inspection there is a faint zigzag in the border. I stop knitting on the grey shawl...Tweeted Terry Dresbach (the costume designer for the Outlander Series) and asked about the shawl.
The first tweet got lost but the second:
(2/2) Can you tell us anything of a source/knitter/pattern? It's so rare to see #finelace in a costume series. Thank youTerry replied!
it's an antique piece I found.Then me:
may I be as bold and ask you if you still have it? we, a knitting group on Ravelry, are trying to recreate it.Terry:
we do. Seriously? That's mad. I can give you a pic of the lace but not right away [...]Me:
that would be brilliant! thank you. No rush #relief.
Oh my! It is happening!
June 24:
here you go!
Oh no!!! This is SOOOO unexpected. It's GORGEOUS! Look at those stars... The arches..
This is a whole other ball game!
I thanked Terry and told her this was all we needed.
All doubts melted away. This was an awesome chance to get some Serious Lace done. I'm in!
So... Swatching began AGAIN. Making whole new charts. Calculations.. This is big.
I even found a picture of some ladies posing with a similar shawl. The border is much wider, but the stars are the same. And you have a good indication of size too.
Conclusion 1: the shawl is an antique. That means it is handspun. That means that I will have to use very fine yarn. Gossamer at least to make the size similar. I can spin, but not as fine as the Shetland ladies back in the days.
Conclusion 2: Not everyone will make a shawl this size! I will have to make alterations in the pattern so one can choose to knit a rectangle shawl with the same patterns / parts. This way, it's available for more people.
Ella Gordon from the Jamieson & Smith Woolbrokers informed us about the ladies in the picture being the "Sutherlands". And came up with a photo from later in life:

Later that day, Dominique send me some pictures from the Museum of a shawl with stars she saw on display. The coin dropped and I viewed back my archive and yes: I've seen the same shawl.
There are similar components, but spacing is different. But it never hurts to have a good close up.
July 6:
Charting is an ongoing process. Even when swatching I made minor adjustments.
But... it looked pretty close to the original.
First: the edge. A little tweek here and there.
The star. It needed just a bit more room. And the upside down flower needed some more work.
I had decided earlier that (especially) an antique shawl from Shetland, should be recreated with original Shetland yarn. The only option was: 1/16NM Gossamer (1ply) Natural Jamieson & Smith yarn.
I'm working with 2mm needles (US0). I mentioned before that the original is handspun, so this is as close as I can get.
Calculations give me for the squared version over 500.000 stitches. The rectangle will have approx. 210.000 stitches. I can't tell you how large it will be, but my prediction will be around 6+ feet square.
July 8:
Casted on with the gossamer 1ply and worked the first border. My dear test knitter Sue is working on the rectangle version. She's getting rid of all bugs and makes a perfect example for you to decide whether or not to knit the square or the rectangle.
The yarn came in on 2 cones. It's approx. 20 balls of yarn. That should be plenty.
I don't know when the pattern will be available. But somewhere later this year is the goal. Think November or December. It will be a paid pattern (not free). Credit will be given, where credit is due. (As I've done here, please notify me if I have forgotten something/someone)
And you will be able to find it under a new name: The Shetland Star Shawl.
The ORIGINAL shawl has been purchased by Terry and is not specifically designed for the Outlander series.
(copyright and other stuff...)
Ready for a cut and paste preview???
So... if you don't hear from me for a while: I'm busy...
23 juni 2015
Heritage Scarf
Soms heb je even zin in een project wat niet zo groot is. Een lange shawl is eigenlijk mijn favoriete vorm om te breien. Je kunt er best veel in kwijt, patronen kunnen mooi over lopen en je bent snel heen en weer! En dat zelfs dát uit de hand kan lopen bleek laatst.
Ik wilde een ontwerp maken wat een redelijk eenvoudig patroon had en met kleine verschillen zou overlopen in een ander patroon. Bovendien was het weer tijd voor een ColourMart wedstrijd! Ik heb genoeg liggen en ik koos voor 'Acacia'. Het ontwerp was nog lang niet af, maar ik was alvast wel begonnen. (foto hier onder, met life-line)
Sometimes you just want to knit something that is not so big. With 'no end in sight'... That's why my favorite shape for a shawl is a rectangle. You can put in lots of patterns, or not, and make them continue gently into something else. Bonus is the quick return row. Only a 100+ stitches and you can turn the needles again. But even that can run out of control!
I wanted a rather simple design, with subtle differences and easy to remember/repeat. Besides, it was time for another famous ColourMart contest! I have plenty laying around that was planned for something else anyway. I chose the 'Acacia' and started immediately, even though the design wasn't complete yet. (photo above with life-line)
Ik had beter moeten weten. Na 5 herhalingen bleek dat het óf een korte shawl zou worden, of er iets anders moest gebeuren. Het garen was onderdeel van een 'skein-set'. 5 kortere strengen van hetzelfde soort garen in verschillende kleuren. Maar welke volgorde te kiezen?
Ik kon natuurlijk meer bestellen, ik had het niet aan tijd om het uit te halen en overnieuw te beginnen met een andere kleur... Dan maar verder met wat ik heb.
I should have known better. After 5 repeats it appeared I would run short or that the shawl would be a very short scarf. The yarn was part of a 'skein-set'. Five skeins with less yardage but in a similar colour range (not always the case, though!). But in which order should I use them? I could have ordered more of a single colour, or frog what I had so far and start over... But I didn't.
Ik koos er voor om licht en donker af te wisselen. Zo komt de prachtig diepe Mocha kleur in het midden. Of in de nek of voor aan bij het gezicht, zo wordt het niet zo gauw smoezelig. Dat patroon was eerst lastig om te kiezen. Patroon 1 en 2 leken genoeg op elkaar om soepel over te lopen. Na heel veel knoeien was de uiteindelijke keus verrassend eenvoudig. "Gewoon" het zij patroon laten terug komen zodat het uiteindelijk allemaal met elkaar verbonden wordt.
I chose to alternate with the colours, dark and light. That meant the gorgeous Mocha (above) would be used in the centre. Convenient, because when you wrap the scarf around, it will be in the neck or close to the face. It will not look smudged or 'dirty' as quick as the lighter colours.
The pattern for the third repeat seemed very difficult to chose. Pattern 1 and 2 flowed nicely and I couldn't think of anything to match it. In the end, it proved to be terribly obvious: use the pattern that is already worked in the border of the shawl. That way, it comes together perfectly!
Omdat er ook maar zo weinig steken op de naald stonden, de herhalingen zo fijn zijn om te breien en het ritme er zo lekker in zat, bleek het toch wel een héle lange shawl te worden!
Na het opspannen was hij toch zo maar 214cm geworden!
It would be nice when you are wearing the scarf, the pattern would be similar on both ends.
So the decision for the working order was made easily: A + B + C + B + A
In the end, I ended up with the simple shawl I so desperately I wanted to make.
The stitches flew of the needles, repeats were easily worked and the feeling of accomplishment was so good, the shawl grew and grew!
After blocking I was surprised to see it turned out to be 21” x 86”!
Ik heb uiteindelijk niets gewonnen in de ColourMart Contest. Maar ik heb WEL een mooie shawl. Gelukkig had ik een hele goede testbreister en zij koos voor het zelfde garen maar in 1 kleur: Capri. Sue heeft op deze foto heel mooi laten zien dat er wel degelijk verschil is tussen de patronen maar dat het toch mooi over loopt.
Dank je wel Sue! (Seaglass op Ravelry)
In the end I didn't win anything in the ColourMart Contest. But I DID end up with a gorgeous long scarf. I was so lucky to have an excellent (and quick!) testknitter. Sue used the same yarn, but in a single colour. You can see the patterns are different, yet the pattern continues beautifully.
Thank you Sue! (Seaglass on Ravelry)
Ik zou zeggen; brei er zelf een! Het hoeft niet zo lang en die van Sue is op dunnere naalden gebreid maar met een herhaling meer in de breedte.
I'd say: knit one yourself! It doesn't have to be as long as ours. Sue has added a repeat (horizontally) but went down a needle size.
Pattern: Heritage Scarf (2 sizes given) €5.00 EUR
Available on Ravelry, Etsy and if you mail me.
ONLY IN ENGLISH! Every row is patterned!
Alléén in het engels, elke rij heeft patroon!
Needle size: 2,75mm or US2
Yardage: 1042m or 1140y
Yarn: ColourMart Extra Fine Merino 3/48NM Acacia, Mocha, Beechnut,
Blonde, Waterlily. *
Size: 21” x 86” or 214cm x 55cm
*Het kan zijn dat niet alle kleuren meer beschikbaar zijn. Check de website voor beschikbaarheid.
Needle size: 2,5mm or US 1,5
Yardage: 1079m or 1180y
Yarn: ColourMart Extra Fine Merino 3/48NM in Capri*
Size: 22” x 96” or 244cm x 56 cm
*Colour might not be available anymore. Please check website for available colours.
There will be another Contest this Fall! Check out the group on Ravelry. You can join in on the fun and pleasure of working with the yarns from ColourMart. They also have a newbie group!
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