14 januari 2019

Fine Shetland Lace Magazine Issue 2

It's been released a while back, I was a bit burned out at the end of the year.
The second issue with a free pattern and great articles about Lace and Shetland Wool. Enjoy! 

You can Download the second version HERE or HERE.

That is also the launch of my website in English.

www.kantwerk.nl  for Dutch and www.apassionforlace.com 

6 opmerkingen:

pat zei

Thank you for this beautiful magazine and for your lovely patterns!

Robotmaaier zei

Looks nice!

Stephanie zei

Hi, I tried the two links you have posted but cant get to an option to download. Is there anyway you could post a dropbox download link for the 2nd Issue please? Or tell me if there is another way to download it.

Thank You

Avent zei

Mooi hoor.

Ashlee Rolfson zei

I must say, this blog post beautifully encapsulates the essence of frugalishness in the realm of fine Shetland lace. The way you've explored the delicate balance between indulgence and practicality is truly commendable.

Anoniem zei

it is Online Embroidery Digitizing  for it to be here